TIM Master class: Cristina Maldonado
27. 11. 2019
Přednášky a diskuze
vstup zdarma
Husova 535/18, 602 00 Brno-město
Instituce ukončila činnost v roce 2019

Přednáška umělkyně a performerky Cristiny Maldonado, jež je součástí cyklu IM 138 TIM_Master classes (předmět vyučován v rámci oboru Teorie interaktivních médií na FF Muni ve spolupráci s PRAHA / Fórum pro architekturu a média a Moravskou galerií).
Reflecting on performance practice: Positioning, permeability and relation of relations.
“I’ll show a few of my works following an arch that describes how positioning myself to create relations, has shaped my performance practice. I will expose how the principle of permeability as a way to exist with things – be it one’s own body, an object, an image, or a person- lead me to transverse dance, theater of objects, live installation, video-performance, performance for one audience member, and relational actions for the last 20 years.”
Cristina Maldonado is a Mexcian artist based in Prague, dedicated to the research of performance in diverse media. She leads the project The Stranger Gets a Gift, performances for momentary encounters and exchange among strangers and What She Does, intervention of films via tactile VJing and re-filming video-projections in real-time. She teaches in the MA Directing for Devising and Object Theater of DAMU and in the BA of Fine Arts in the School of Art and Design Prague College.