Zveme na další přednášku z cyklu Collegium historiae artium, kterou přednese Renata Komić Marn (ZRC SAZU, France Stele Institute of Art History) na téma Sequestered, Sold, Confiscated: The Nationalisation of Art Collections in Slovenia.


The presentation deals with the phenomena that left an indelible mark on movable art and cultural heritage in Slovenia in the 20th century, namely the nationalisation and musealisation of private art collections. In addition to the two world wars, the emergence of the new – initially monarchical, then communist and socialist – state of Yugoslavia, to which Slovenia belonged from 1918 to 1991, also had a strong influence on the ownership, use, reception and ultimately the preservation of the artistic heritage of the “other”. During this period, the state – in the name of the Yugoslav (Slovenian) people – established successful mechanisms for the appropriation and dispersal of art collections, such as the manipulation of the art market, sequestration, confiscation and nationalisation. Focusing on the understanding of Slovenia’s artistic and cultural past and its role in the European research area, the author presents the broader contexts of the nationalisation and musealisation of art collections that once belonged to the Strahl, Szapáry, Attems and Wambolt families.


místo konání: zasedací místnost (sál 117) Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR