Sbohem Ai Weiwei
6. 1. 2018

Tymon Nogalski, Green White Orange - Composition, video
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Contemporary art disregard pathos. Say whatever but it is one of a very few an unspoken rules
when it comes to arts. What if pathos wasn’t meant to be part of the work? It grew along with
artists good intentions while elaborating about burning issues with political background
(preferably). It is so easy to loose it and let it fall for pathetic artwork where form celebrate
triumph over content and nothing sounds serious anymore.
Pop-up výstava oslavující zakončení výstavy Zákon cesty je současně parodií na Weiweiovu grandiózní instalaci v Národní galerii v Praze a ukázkou odlišných pokusů o zpracování složitých témat skrze umění. Sbohem Ai!

Tymon Nogalski, Green White Orange - Composition, video