Porézní hranice
11. 10. 2017 - 13. 10. 2017
Ostatní akce
Místo konání: Nová budova Národního muzea
Vinohradská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
po–út 10–18 h
st 9–18 h
1. středa v měsíci 10–20 h
čt–ne 10–18 h

What does the preparation of national exhibitions within the context of international exhibitions involve today?
What does the term “national exhibition" even mean in today's day and age?
These are the questions that we would like to discuss during the symposium's presentations and discussions.
CURATORIAL APPROACHES – Day for curators of countries and regions
50 YEARS OF PQ – Program on curation, identity of festivals, biennales, and the PQ
CROSSING POINTS – all other submissions, celebration + workshop presentation