Technická 6, 160 00 Praha
Novomediální umělec izraelského původu Daniel Landau s námi bude sdílet nejenom své umění, ale také jeho znalosti využití technologií v současném umění.
Daniel Landau will make a presentation of his new media works. Through his speech he will share with us his knowledge, how to use technology in art.
EN ►Daniel has been involved in technology endeavours in the fields of education, arts and science. Daniel completed his second degree in new-media at the Royal Conservatory in The Netherlands where he lived and worked for more than a decade. Daniel’s work typically uses multi-layered processes of research, documentation and mediamatic exploration – investigating the interchangeable qualities between documentary and fiction. His interest in narrative-mechanisms is essential to his examination of time, identity and social-political realities. His work has been presented in major venues, museums and festivals worldwide among others: Jerusalem, New-York, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Mexico City. He is a faculty member at the Midrasha Faculty of the Arts, Beit Berel Academic college and a appointed senior research fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzelia. Daniel is the co-founder and director of OH-MAN, OH-MACHINE – an art, science and technology platform that includes an international conference, workshops and a research lab.
“Story telling in Virtual Reality”, Technology Conference, “The Reality of the Virtual”, Invited talk, IDC Hertselia, Israel, 2015
“Art, Technology & Well Being”, Academic Conference, “Well Being In Digital Media”, Invited talk, IDC Hertselia, Israel, 2015
“Art, Technology & Society”, Academic Conference, “Educating the Net-Generation”, Beit Berl Academic College, Invited talk, Israel, 2015
“Art, Technology & Society”, Academic Conference, “Art & Community”, Seminar HaKibutsim, Invited talk, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015
“Body in Performance Arts & Beyond”, Academic Conference, “Unearthing the Body in Education and the Arts”, Invited talk, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2014
“Is Mind Change The New Climate Change?”, Professional Conference, “State On The Net”, Invited talk, Trieste, Italy, 2014
“Posthumanism in Media History”, Chair, Academic Conference, “OH-MAN, OH-MACHINE”, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014
“The Rhetorics of the Projected Image”, Academic Conference, Guest Lecturer, Beit Berl Academic College, Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2011
The partner of the movie is the Embassy of Israel in the Czech Republic.
Partnerem filmu je Velvyslanectví Státu Izrael v České republice.