City Surfer Office zve na sólovou výstavu Mashy Kovtun – Evroremont, která bude k vidění od 23. do 29. listopadu 2020. Vstup do galerie pro veřejnost z důvodu vládních nařízení stále není možný, výstavu tak bude možné shlédnout z ulice.


“Today I woke up at around 3 a.m. so I decided to wait for the sunrise. I imagined how the sun’s rays would love me and warm me. It seemed like time had stopped, even though I waited for about two hours. And there I sat, like on wet grass, on some smelly rag, but I could not sit on it properly. my eyelids felt heavy and my nose couldn’t smell anymore. I started yawning every minute, so I give up this stupid idea. I lay down on my back, put my hands under my head and feel asleep again…”


Provoz galerie City Surfer Office je podpořen granty Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy, Ministerstva kultury České republiky a Státního fondu kultury. // Activities of City Surfer Office are supported by grants from the City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic