John of Neumarkt, Milíč of Kroměříž and the Vernacular Prayer Book Culture in 14th Century Prague
15. 11. 2023
Přednášky a diskuze
Zveme na přednášku z cyklu Collegium historiae artium, kterou přednese Kathrin Chlench-Priber (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) na téma John of Neumarkt, Milíč of Kroměříž and the Vernacular Prayer Book Culture in 14th Century Prague.
John of Neumarkt (1310–1380) and Milíč of Kroměříž (1325–1374) may be considered the two most famous prayer authors of their time. The presentation deals with their Czech and German prayers written in 14th century Prague. On the basis of their prayers and accompanying images, it is possible to sketch the piety culture that prevailed in Prague, which is part of the charismatic spirituality of Bohemia and which also gives important impulses for the vernacular prayer book culture as a whole.
místo konání: zasedací místnost (sál 117) Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR