“Bilde von Prage”. The Stone Sculptures of the Bohemian Beautiful Style
26. 10. 2022
Přednášky a diskuze
Srdečně zveme na další přednášku z cyklu Collegium historiae artium, kterou přednese Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska (UMK Toruń) na téma “Bilde von Prage”. The Stone Sculptures of the Bohemian Beautiful Style in the Territory of the State of Teutonic Order in Prussia ca. 1400.
Přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 26. října 2022 v 16.30 v zasedací místnosti (sál 117) Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, Husova 4, Praha 1.
The lecture is devoted to the group of stone sculptures of the Bohemian Beautiful Style, brought in the Middle Ages in the Territory of the Teutonic Order State in Prussia – the biggest ensemble of imported Prague stone sculptures, preserved in one European region, as document of local artistic preferences, financial potential and spiritual needs. It includes currently 15 preserved artworks from the end of 14th century, homogenous in style and petrographically identified material: Prague marlstone (“Golden opuka”); two other, also of probably Bohemian provenance, were lost during World War II. Near characteristic types around 1400 (as Beautiful Madonna and Pietà), to the group belong also rare or totally unique objects, without analogies in the elsewhere preserved Prague heritage. The lecture focuses on the context of import and local reception of the sculpture, referring to the results of the transdisciplinary research project realised 2018–2021 in Castle Museum in Malbork designed to re-explore the entire group in terms of material, technique, form and function (https://marlstone.zamek.malbork.pl/).