Maija Rudovska
12. 12. 2017
Přednášky a diskuze
Místo konání: Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze
nám. J. Palacha 80/3, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1

Srdečně Vás zveme na přednášku lotyšské kurátorky Maiji Rudovské, která se uskuteční v 18h, 12.12. 2017 v přednáškovém sále 115 na Umprum. Maija Rudovska přijela do Prahy v rámci kurátorských návštěv pořádaných programem A.I.R. FUTURA.
We cordially invites you to the public lecture of Latvian curator Maija Rudovska which will held on 12th December, 6pm, room 115, at Umprum. Maija Rudovska come to Prague in the frame of curatorial visits organised by A.I.R. FUTURA program.
Maija Rudovska’s (LV) practice is shaped by independent curation, research, art criticism and writing. The focus of her work is inter-mediation and stimulation of relationships between different spaces, contexts and institutions. She pays particular attention to the in-between space seeking alternative ways of learning and sharing knowledge in the art realm today.
For the last 6 years Rudovska together with Juste Kostikovaite (LT) have been running the network platform Blind Carbon Copy that focuses on network building models, alternative education and inter-relational strategies between curators, artists and other practitioners. One of the priorities has been learning, looking for the ways to teach each other as a sort of curatorial strategy. Engaging by creating a lively networking system and structures of self-organization, the platform serves as a place from where to act and where to find a voice.
Rudovska have worked extensively in the Baltic-Nordic region,
as well as internationally. Close collaborations include: kim? Contemporary Art Centre (LV), Moderna Museet (SE), Rupert (LT), Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius (LT), The Living Art Museum (IS), HIAP (FI), Nordic Council of Ministers, among many others. She is based in Riga.